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Engineered Solutions
Restoration & Repair
Valve Manufacture
Valve Testing
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Engineered Solutions

Have you ever purchased a product that does not meet your initial requirements ?

Have you ever purchased a product that meets your initial expectations, but as your process evolves the product fails ?

Have you a process on which various product brands and types have been used in the hope that they will solve the problem ?

Regardless of how the situation arises, cost has been incurred and sometimes this is of a capital nature. Keamy Engineering are available to review your requirements and wherever possible, modify the product you have to meet your service, or to prolong the life of your capital investment.

Our experience in providing engineered solutions includes converting soft seated valves into metal seated valves, cladding valve internals and designing modification and manufacturing a product to suit your specific needs.

Internal Cladding of all wetted surfaces of valves is possible at Keamy Engineering.